Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Cheshire Woman

her smile is the only thing that remains/if you stare long enough into her eyes/everything else vanishes into the blank wall/in unexpected seconds they flash back/to whisper her Eurasian features/she is adamant/she won't stay for long/her tribe is not eternal as the fleeting clouds/you might like to know who her creator is/sad to say in a festivity/he is long dead and gone/to the watery hole that spat him out/whoever watches patient enough to ask/knows he himself will pass/run as fast as your feet would let you/the foreign dust which sticks to your soles' stride/is the lone company fate will allow/don't try to whistle/let alone sing/winds are beginning to be pushy and cold/a raincoat won't do/sleet and rain are having a fiesta/while we snore a siesta/a lady is hard to remember in the middle of a struggle/she has been painted as liberty and equality's flag carrier/one french breast exposed to the battle/sneer at her precious back with punk/panacea is just a stacked pharmacy/mix a new drug to make all others obsolete/cross it with gunpowder and pull the trigger/violence over sex/dance over song/whichever way around/mama mother nanay mater madre/everything means the same/all the rest is the gibbon's business/would she go out of style in the test-tube baby boom?/how does candy taste with the wrapper?/do you make love with argyle socks on?/quiz me baby/this is the era of returning truths/flashbacks and hitbacks/the comeback of tarzan and musical extravaganzas/the return of the carpenter's son/will he be mugged and whacked again?/not on the hair of your chinny chin chin/the greatest legend ever rumored/the making of an international blockbuster/today is tomorrow's breeding ground/alice came limping back to wake up/the cheshire cat is just a puss with a fancy grin/THE END

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