Sunday, July 12, 2009

Emulating Ariel

Emulating Ariel is easier
read than written
Plath had so much wrath
and bitterness
Not exactly exclusive
She hated her father
She hated Hitler
That attitude and vision
cut through races and ages
A successful suicide for an idol
Is like worshipping a demon
in place of God
Riding a race car
in the safety of an armchair
Ovens have their uses
Baking bread and wiping out races
Taking your life in winter
When you can’t wait for summer
To thaw and rot in the sun
Ariel was a Tempest sprite
An archangel, or a mad woman
Who took her own life
Two times unlucky

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Three odd numbers in a row
Is like three straight love affairs without a heartbreak
If all things come in threes, it sure did with ’70s icons
dying one after the other
Kenny, Mike and Farrah kicked the bucket in close proximity
(although there might be arguments about Kenny being an icon)
If the sixties ain’t dead, just three decades older
The seventies sure seemed to be on its death throes last week
If you are one of those still listening to Top 40 hits of that decade
When “disco sucks” and “punk ain’t dead’ were T-shirt staples
Check your calendar
You might be signing out yourself
It won’t do you no harm if you update your last will & testament