Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tomorrow the Sun

(Image from Billfrymire.com)

Storms send out warning
of dark clouds and drizzle
ahead of wind, rain, death

Tremors don’t
But the dogs howling
at ghosts; birds flying
into windows, walls

Songs crash into words
Breaking stride, crushing dew
Fear in faces, stuck in place
Feet turn to stone

Leaden the dead
Spread the news
The world ends anew
Tomorrow the sun

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Day that Shook My World

(Image from 30.media.tumblr.com, Joe Strummer, Earthquake Weather)

Give me the shakes
shake and bake
run for the hills
Oops! This is uphill
The fool who lives this high
has nowhere to go but down
Can’t go out without a sigh
Cry and look like a clown
Call and text
Shoot your load
No more sex
Forget that broad
Holy book this, holy book that
Catch the last train on track
Sing His praises
Get high on smack
If the world ends today
Buy that last happy meal
Here’s a toast, don’t stray
My God is right, hooray!